What is new?

- Fixed a very little problem in (progress indicator and elapsed time) in ALT-DVB parser and internal parser.

Occurs at midnight (sorry I forgot to fix it in 2.24).

How to use?
- Copy GoldenOSD.dll & GoldenOSD.ini to ALTDVB's folder.-
- select packet size to be default from altdvb settings (plugins' menu),
368 or 184 may help to reduce the required time to get epg info,
But these values may not be compatible with all providers so 'default' will be better to use.
- select your time zone from osd settings.

- adjust colors, font, hot keys settings remote type.

-Volume control:

1- From altdvb (direct show settings) select Default DirectSound Device as Audio Render.
2- Assign other hot keys for (volume up, down, mute) for the plugin,
(Must not be the same in ALT-DVB) .
3- Adjust volume level from altdvb to be the maximum.

- CH+ and CH- will be used only for OSD channel list

- Transparency can be used with any video render (overlay mixer, vmr7, video render).
- Transparency is not compatible with vmr9 due to flicker.
- when changing menus' size wait for about 2 sec until channel list is shown


Jun 10, 2008

Ver 2.24
- Add Volume control by Mouse Wheel (optional).
- Fixed a bug in OSD satellite selection Menu.

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