Fausto Version 1.32

©MASARE Team-Saoud007
©FullDump TM


Installation: not needed to uninstall previous version, just run Fausto V1.XX setup.exe

Fausto Emulator compatibilities:
*XML file to be compatible with Fausto Emulator MUST include cryptoworks Cardkey (06)
This keys used in internal by diablo cam emu
If the CardKey (06) not include you'll can't decode cryptoworks with Fausto Emulator
CardKey (06) added on Keys.bin has no effect under diablo cam emulator
*Include Betacrypt Tuneled Nagra 2 Providers
*Include TPS Files (actually TPS.BIN)

Version 1.32 (06/09/2008)
Season Interface: added Direct Control Word support (all season emulations)
For How to report to File : Fausto & DCW with Season.txt
Language files updated with New Datas, ready for translation
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