MediaPlayer DeleteFile Plugin V1.0.3


This Version is for Gemini 3.8

1.) Short description in english:
This plugin add the function "Delete File" to mediaplayer, so you can
delete files directly from filelist or playlist. TS-Files are also completely
deleted. To delete a file in mediaplayer: Press and hold "Video-Button"
or choose "Datei löschen" from menu.

Menus and messages on this plugin are in German, sorry for that.
But there's no auto-translation for new menuentries an messages.

2.) Installation
First copy the *.ipk file to /tmp with ftp (TCP/IP must be working already).
If you have flashed an image that offer in Blue Pannel Manual Addon Install
you can use this functionality to install the ipk file. If not, then install Plugin
by entering the

following commands in a Telnet session:

cd /
ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaplayerdeletefile*.ipk

The ipkg install will also restart enigma for
you to activate the plugin.

3.) Remove
In menu "Games / Plugins" select "Remove Plugins" and in
"extensions"-tree activate entry "mediaplayerdeletefile".
Thanks to ecky2

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