IMPORTANT Security Update Dreambox 7020

A security issue has been identified that could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to compromise your Dreambox Enigma 1 based system and gain control over it. This issue could allow an attacker to download any file from your Dreambox, through the HTTP port 80, when open to an external network. You can help protect your Dreambox by installing this update from Nabilosat Team. After you install this item, you must restart Enigma.

Dreambox Enigma 1
1) Download the required patch for your Dreambox model
2) Unzip compressed folder, and extract the file to your PC.
3) With your FTP software, go to /usr/bin for 7020 or /var/bin for 7000
4) delete the file enigma
5) copy the new extracted file to the same location in your DM
6) assign executable permissions 755 to the file
7) restart enigma
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PORT 80 HTTP Portun acik olmasi fixlenmis enigma. SADE CVS IMAGE ICINDIR.

1) Kullandiginiz Modele göre Enigmayi indirin.
2) Archivi Bilgisayarinizdan aciniz.
3) Herhangi bir Ftp Programiyla Dreamboxunuza ( /usr/bin DM7020 ve /var/bin DM7000 ) baglanin.
4) enigma Dosyasini silin.
5) Indirdiginiz enigmayi ayni yere kopyeleyin.
6) Özelliklerini 755 yapmayi sakina unutmayin
7) enigma yi yeniden calisdirin
[Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]