Distro-Opendreambox DMM (GIT) = OE2.0
Kernel = 3.2

Pwr skin 6.26 (default)
Cronmanager 2.3
Keymap neutrino/enigma
CrossEpg 0.6.2 by skaman
MPepg v2 plugin by neoen per CrossEpg
Led Manager 0.2
Openvpn menu
Nfs/Samba menu
Interactive plugins: DG, TG, F1 by power
iSettingE2 plugin by iSE2 Team (no dm800)
Traduzione by Spaeleus 20130416 (work in progress...)
Mediaset epg fix
Crossepg fix
ValiFlexHD skin 3.9 con plugin (no dm800)
..and more...
enigma2 20130220 -> rel3.2 20130314

- added support for more png types (32bpp, < 8bpp, ...)
but please DONT use 32bpp generally.. read the pngquant doku.. you can easily
configure it to convert PNGs to 8bpp indexed mode when no quality loss
is expected
- added support for nicer (vertical) scrollbars (please ask for demo skin if you want to use it)
- fix disabling subtitles (after service change)
- fixed crash in satconfig dialog on cancel press in "Delete no more configured satellite?" choicebox
- ask for user skill in configuration wizard
- ask for multiple bouquets support in configuration wizard
- add channelselection context menu hook for plugins
- disable hack for non dvb compliant multichoice irdeto epg because it breaks epg of other dvb compliant epg providers
please report tsid/onid/orbital position of transponders which need this hack.. so we can re-add a better workaround
- finally fixed twisted reactor

[Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]