KathiUp V.1.2.0

*** KathiUp V.1.2.0

- In Environment there is simple preparation added for booting from NFS and then return booting from FLASH
- Added in menu : Backup , now it is easy to make backup from your image
- some bug fixed

*** KathiUp V.1.1.0

Added Option: Environment - Display & Set Environment variables and their values.
After clicking on "Connect" button and turning on Katherine, so after you get
"Ping result: OK, box is alive and speaking to us ;-)" message
KathiUp form will be extended on right and Environment Frame will appiar
in which variables implied in envioronment will be written
If everything is OK, you wil get message: "All Environment Variables are OK ",
but if some value is missing, you will get message: "WARNING , One of Environment Variables is Empty !!!"
which means that you should write that value in empty field or, if you are not sure what you should write,
click on "Default value" button and default values will be loaded.
After this, click SetEnv button.
Now, you can couninue with flashing procedure as described in ver. 1.0.0

*** KathiUp V.1.0.0

Before announcing KATHREIN UFS-910, everybody which have had worked with some kind of linux-based box (like dbox2 ili dreambox)
have used flashing tools through serial & LAN.
KATHREIN UFS-910 brought us new way of flashing with USB stick, pretty cool way in my opinion...
But, using it, in practice, there were some problems, need of emergency procedures nad that's why i have come to an idea to make a little tool
which will make all the work easier and automatizied, to all newbies, but also for an old users and expert

It is very simple programme nad all you need, after starting it, is to:
- choose the com port through wchich the Box is connected with nulmodem cable;
- choose the IP address of the computer running KathiUp
(if there are few IP adresses on that PC, choose the right one);
- choose IP address which wiil be temporarily given to the Boc (it must be in the same range with PC-IP address),
software automatically gives an IP address but you can, also, set it by your own.

Click on "Connect" button. KathiUp is checking does the selected box's IP address is free to use and if it is not, it will try to find a free IP address
in that range nad it is going to set it. After that check, you will get this message:
"Connection prepared, now switch on Kathrein!"
You can now turn on KATHREIN UFS-910's power suply. If everything is OK, you will get this message: "Box attached and ready"

Now you can load images by clicking on "Load images" button and by selecting in which folder are the files.
After loading, in images field, you will see containing files of the selected folder and on the right side in the same field, you can see (aslo)
an images type. KathiUp automatically select it all od them but you can unselect some o them echich you think that there is no need of them,
like root and kernel if you are just updating existing images. In that way, you can make flashing procedure even faster.

Now, you can click "Flash" button. KathiUp is starting tftpd32 (trivial FTP) - big thanks to the author od this TFTP server. Flashing proccess is starting.
KathiUp is guiding you, with mesaages, through that process, you get mesaages what is KathiUp working (file transfer, erase flash-block, flashing...).
Duration of flashing process depends od the number of images wchich you have loaded and it is approximately same as USB procedure.
When flashing is finished, next step is automatic reboot and, like as in USB procedure, KATHREIN UFS-910's needs more time on first boot.
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