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  1. #11
    TDW Team-Co Admin OsmaNLı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2008
    Total 'Thanks' Received by This User :
    0 Bu Konu icin
    1.828 Toplam

    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    yahu ben kurdum image yüklendi restart etti ayarlar menüsü gelmeden yeşil ekran oluyor hep 3-4 kere denedim.

    crash log

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    		<crashdate>Fri Feb 28 00:07:00 2014</crashdate>
    		<compiledate>Feb 27 2014</compiledate>
    		<contactemail>forum at http://www.xtrend-alliance.com</contactemail>
    		<!-- Please email this crashlog to above address -->
    		<branch>(no branch)</branch>
    Linux et9x00 3.8.7 #1 SMP Wed Feb 12 22:21:12 CET 2014 mips GNU/Linux
    		<kernelcmdline> bmem=216M ubi.mtd=rootfs root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs console=ttyS0,115200n8</kernelcmdline>
    		<nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets>
    openxta 2.0 %h
    + (1) Background File Eraser
    + (5) Tuxtxt
    + (8) graphics acceleration manager
    + (9) GFBDC
    24300k video mem
     - double buffering available!
    17100kB available for acceleration surfaces.
    resolution: 1280 x 720 x 32 (stride: 5120)
    + (9) gLCDDC
    found OLED display!
    lcd buffer 0x7a89e0 8448 bytes, stride 132
    LCD resolution: 132 x 64 x 8 (stride: 132)
    + (9) Font Render Class
    [FONT] initializing lib...
    [FONT] loading fonts...
    [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
    + (10) gRC
    RC thread created successfully
    + (15) eWindowStyleManager
    + (20) DVB-CI UI
    + (20) UHF Modulator
    couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
    + (20) RC Input layer
    + (20) misc options
    + (20) AVSwitch Driver
    couldnt open /dev/dbox/fp0 to monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed!
    + (21) input device driver
    Input device "dreambox remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
    Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
    Input device "front panel" is a remotecontrol
    Found 3 input devices.
    + (22) Hdmi CEC driver
    eHdmiCEC: detected physical address change: 1000 --> 4000
    eHdmiCEC: send message 84 40 00 01 
    + (30) eActionMap
    + (35) CI Slots
    scanning for common interfaces..
    CI Slot 0 setSource(0)
    CI Slot 1 setSource(0)
    eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
    eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(1, 1)
    cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input2
    cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input3
    done, found 2 common interface slots
    + (35) CA handler
    + (36) Stream server
    + (40) eServiceCenter
    settings instance.
    + (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
    + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
    + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
    + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
    + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
    reached rl 70
    ---- opening lame channel db
    can't open /etc/enigma2/lamedb: No such file or directory
    scanning for frontends..
    opening frontend 0
    close frontend 0
    opening frontend 1
    close frontend 1
    found 1 adapter, 2 frontends(2 sim) and 7 demux, boxtype 3
    Use valid Linux Time :) (RTC?)
    [EPGC] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
    Loading spinners...
    [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
    found 7 spinner!
    setIoPrio best-effort level 3 ok
    [Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
    new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
    unable to load config ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/settings'), assuming defaults...
    main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
    Reading satellites.xml
    sec config cleared
    setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr AVL2108, need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
    setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 1 to slotid 1, descr AVL2108, need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
    slot: 0 configmode: simple
    diseqcmode:  diseqc_a_b
    slot: 1 configmode: simple
    diseqcmode:  diseqc_a_b
    sec config completed
    [Picon] adding path: /media/hdd/picon/
    [InfoBar] Failed to load resumepoints: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/root/resumepoints.pkl'
    loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/bouquets.tv 1
    can't open /etc/enigma2/bouquets.tv: No such file or directory
    recreate bouquets.tv
    loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/bouquets.radio 1
    can't open /etc/enigma2/bouquets.radio: No such file or directory
    recreate bouquets.radio
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Regular)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/andale.ttf...OK (Fixed)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Regular)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/TechniHDSymbols.ttf...OK (symbol)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/PlayState.ttf...OK (play)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/hdi.ttf...OK (hdi)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/hd.ttf...OK (hd)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/TechniHD.ttf...OK (Regular2)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/TechniHD-Medium.ttf...OK (Regular3)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/num.ttf...OK (Num)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/valis_enigma.ttf...OK (Subs)
    Unknown device type: front panel
    [iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
    Activating keymap: Default (US)
    [ePopen] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
    Activating language English
    --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
    couldn't open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output
    [ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev eth0
    setLCDBrightness 25
    setLCDBrightness 127
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Green key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Help key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for TEXT key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for RED key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for YELLOW key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for restart softcam
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for restart cardserver
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for restart both
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Softcam setup
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Lets you configure your softcams
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Softcam setup
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Lets you configure your softcams
    [SKLDR] Loading skin  /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/XBMCAddons/skin.xml
    config.plugins.xbmcplug.mmenu.value = True
    [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /
    [eXTrAs-Panel] machinebrand: Xtrend
    [eXTrAs-Panel] machinename: ET9000
    [eXTrAs-Panel] boxversion: et9x00
    [FONT] adding font /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/iSkin/Weather/Font/weather.ttf...OK (weather)
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
    getModeList for port DVI-PC
    remove DVI-PC because of not existing modes
    getModeList for port YPbPr
    getModeList for port Scart
    getModeList for port DVI
    hotplug on dvi
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    setMode - port: YPbPr mode: 720p rate: 50Hz
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    [Extras-Panel] failed to write /proc/stb/video/alpha
    [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
    [CI_Activate] FOUND 2 CI Slots 
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI0] no config file found
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI0] error parsing xml...
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI1] no config file found
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI1] error parsing xml...
    starting hotplug handler
    [Extras-Panel] failed to write /proc/stb/video/alpha
    [AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoStart Enabled
    [AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoBouquetsMaker Schedule Disabled at Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:07:00 CET
    [SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'ResolutionLabel'>
    port changed to YPbPr
    mode changed to 720p
    getModeList for port YPbPr
    default ('720p', 'default')
    preferedmodes ['1080i', '576p', '480p', '576i', '480i', ('720p', 'default')]
    [EPGC] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/hdd/epg.dat'
    [EPGC] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
    [EPGC] /hdd/epg.dat not found, try /epg.dat
    Reading  ['/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Videomode/videowizard.xml']
    getStepWithID: start
    result: nothing
    ('en_EN', ('English', 'en', 'EN'))
    Screen <function VideoWizard at 0x17f0df0>((), {}): <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 225, in create
        return screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Videomode/plugin.py", line 230, in VideoWizard
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Videomode/VideoWizard.py", line 54, in __init__
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Rc.py", line 26, in __init__
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Rc.py", line 40, in readPositions
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 241, in getRcLocation
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 165, in getRcFolder
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 160, in getRcType
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 108, in readRcTypeFromProc
    NameError: global name 'getMachineBuild' is not defined
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 589, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 477, in runScreenTest
        runNextScreen(session, screensToRun)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 471, in runNextScreen
        session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScreen, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 293, in openWithCallback
        dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 304, in open
        dlg.isTmp = True
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isTmp'
    (exit code 5)
    getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
    getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??)
    getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)

  2. #12
    Senior Member pedro888 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Dec 2010
    Total 'Thanks' Received by This User :
    0 Bu Konu icin
    103 Toplam

    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    Alıntı TurKuaZv Nickli Üyeden Alıntı [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    yahu ben kurdum image yüklendi restart etti ayarlar menüsü gelmeden yeşil ekran oluyor hep 3-4 kere denedim.

    crash log

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    		<crashdate>Fri Feb 28 00:07:00 2014</crashdate>
    		<compiledate>Feb 27 2014</compiledate>
    		<contactemail>forum at http://www.xtrend-alliance.com</contactemail>
    		<!-- Please email this crashlog to above address -->
    		<branch>(no branch)</branch>
    Linux et9x00 3.8.7 #1 SMP Wed Feb 12 22:21:12 CET 2014 mips GNU/Linux
    		<kernelcmdline> bmem=216M ubi.mtd=rootfs root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs console=ttyS0,115200n8</kernelcmdline>
    		<nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets>
    openxta 2.0 %h
    + (1) Background File Eraser
    + (5) Tuxtxt
    + (8) graphics acceleration manager
    + (9) GFBDC
    24300k video mem
     - double buffering available!
    17100kB available for acceleration surfaces.
    resolution: 1280 x 720 x 32 (stride: 5120)
    + (9) gLCDDC
    found OLED display!
    lcd buffer 0x7a89e0 8448 bytes, stride 132
    LCD resolution: 132 x 64 x 8 (stride: 132)
    + (9) Font Render Class
    [FONT] initializing lib...
    [FONT] loading fonts...
    [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
    + (10) gRC
    RC thread created successfully
    + (15) eWindowStyleManager
    + (20) DVB-CI UI
    + (20) UHF Modulator
    couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
    + (20) RC Input layer
    + (20) misc options
    + (20) AVSwitch Driver
    couldnt open /dev/dbox/fp0 to monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed!
    + (21) input device driver
    Input device "dreambox remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
    Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
    Input device "front panel" is a remotecontrol
    Found 3 input devices.
    + (22) Hdmi CEC driver
    eHdmiCEC: detected physical address change: 1000 --> 4000
    eHdmiCEC: send message 84 40 00 01 
    + (30) eActionMap
    + (35) CI Slots
    scanning for common interfaces..
    CI Slot 0 setSource(0)
    CI Slot 1 setSource(0)
    eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(0, 0)
    eDVBCIInterfaces->setInputSource(1, 1)
    cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input2
    cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input3
    done, found 2 common interface slots
    + (35) CA handler
    + (36) Stream server
    + (40) eServiceCenter
    settings instance.
    + (41) eServiceFactoryDVD
    + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
    + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
    + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
    + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
    reached rl 70
    ---- opening lame channel db
    can't open /etc/enigma2/lamedb: No such file or directory
    scanning for frontends..
    opening frontend 0
    close frontend 0
    opening frontend 1
    close frontend 1
    found 1 adapter, 2 frontends(2 sim) and 7 demux, boxtype 3
    Use valid Linux Time :) (RTC?)
    [EPGC] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
    Loading spinners...
    [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default/spinner/wait8.png
    found 7 spinner!
    setIoPrio best-effort level 3 ok
    [Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
    new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
    unable to load config ([Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/settings'), assuming defaults...
    main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
    Reading satellites.xml
    sec config cleared
    setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 0 to slotid 0, descr AVL2108, need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
    setSlotInfo for dvb frontend 1 to slotid 1, descr AVL2108, need rotorworkaround No, enabled Yes, DVB-S2 Yes
    slot: 0 configmode: simple
    diseqcmode:  diseqc_a_b
    slot: 1 configmode: simple
    diseqcmode:  diseqc_a_b
    sec config completed
    [Picon] adding path: /media/hdd/picon/
    [InfoBar] Failed to load resumepoints: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/root/resumepoints.pkl'
    loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/bouquets.tv 1
    can't open /etc/enigma2/bouquets.tv: No such file or directory
    recreate bouquets.tv
    loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/bouquets.radio 1
    can't open /etc/enigma2/bouquets.radio: No such file or directory
    recreate bouquets.radio
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Regular)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/andale.ttf...OK (Fixed)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/lcd.ttf...OK (LCD)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/nmsbd.ttf...OK (Regular)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/TechniHDSymbols.ttf...OK (symbol)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/PlayState.ttf...OK (play)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/hdi.ttf...OK (hdi)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/hd.ttf...OK (hd)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/TechniHD.ttf...OK (Regular2)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/TechniHD-Medium.ttf...OK (Regular3)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/ae_AlMateen.ttf...OK (Replacement)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/tuxtxt.ttf...OK (Console)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/enigma2/TechniHD/fonts/num.ttf...OK (Num)
    [FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/valis_enigma.ttf...OK (Subs)
    Unknown device type: front panel
    [iInputDevices] getInputDevices  <ERROR: ioctl(EVIOCGNAME): [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device >
    Activating keymap: Default (US)
    [ePopen] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
    Activating language English
    --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
    couldn't open /proc/stb/misc/12V_output
    [ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev eth0
    setLCDBrightness 25
    setLCDBrightness 127
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    FIXME: request for unknown slot
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Green key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Help key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for TEXT key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for RED key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for YELLOW key
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for restart softcam
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for restart cardserver
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for restart both
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Softcam setup
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Lets you configure your softcams
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Softcam setup
    [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Lets you configure your softcams
    [SKLDR] Loading skin  /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/XBMCAddons/skin.xml
    config.plugins.xbmcplug.mmenu.value = True
    [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /
    [eXTrAs-Panel] machinebrand: Xtrend
    [eXTrAs-Panel] machinename: ET9000
    [eXTrAs-Panel] boxversion: et9x00
    [FONT] adding font /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/iSkin/Weather/Font/weather.ttf...OK (weather)
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
    [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
    getModeList for port DVI-PC
    remove DVI-PC because of not existing modes
    getModeList for port YPbPr
    getModeList for port Scart
    getModeList for port DVI
    hotplug on dvi
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    setMode - port: YPbPr mode: 720p rate: 50Hz
    -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 panscan letterbox auto
    [Extras-Panel] failed to write /proc/stb/video/alpha
    [CI_Assignment] activating ci configs:
    [CI_Activate] FOUND 2 CI Slots 
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI0] no config file found
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI0] error parsing xml...
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI1] no config file found
    [CI_Activate_Config_CI1] error parsing xml...
    starting hotplug handler
    [Extras-Panel] failed to write /proc/stb/video/alpha
    [AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoStart Enabled
    [AutoBouquetsMaker] AutoBouquetsMaker Schedule Disabled at Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:07:00 CET
    [SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'ResolutionLabel'>
    port changed to YPbPr
    mode changed to 720p
    getModeList for port YPbPr
    default ('720p', 'default')
    preferedmodes ['1080i', '576p', '480p', '576i', '480i', ('720p', 'default')]
    [EPGC] setCacheFile read/write epg data from/to '/hdd/epg.dat'
    [EPGC] time updated.. start EPG Mainloop
    [EPGC] /hdd/epg.dat not found, try /epg.dat
    Reading  ['/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Videomode/videowizard.xml']
    getStepWithID: start
    result: nothing
    ('en_EN', ('English', 'en', 'EN'))
    Screen <function VideoWizard at 0x17f0df0>((), {}): <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 225, in create
        return screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Videomode/plugin.py", line 230, in VideoWizard
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/Videomode/VideoWizard.py", line 54, in __init__
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Rc.py", line 26, in __init__
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Rc.py", line 40, in readPositions
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 241, in getRcLocation
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 165, in getRcFolder
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 160, in getRcType
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/RcModel.py", line 108, in readRcTypeFromProc
    NameError: global name 'getMachineBuild' is not defined
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 589, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 477, in runScreenTest
        runNextScreen(session, screensToRun)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 471, in runNextScreen
        session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScreen, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 293, in openWithCallback
        dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 304, in open
        dlg.isTmp = True
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isTmp'
    (exit code 5)
    getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
    getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??)
    getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)
    aynı sorun bende var

  3. #13
    TDW Team-S-Mod. Apachi70 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Tek image flashen yaptin yoksa Setting ve Plugins Backup da geri yüklediniz mi?
    Sirf image flashen yapin?
    Sorun yok dün aksam yeniden yapildi image!
    Image: Teamblue 7.3 , OpenATV 7.4


  4. #14
    TDW Team-Co Admin OsmaNLı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    dün gece saat 1 gibi denedim flashtan
    backup değil.

  5. #15
    TDW Team-Co Admin sonic - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    Sorun yok turkuaz ustam image ile sorunsuz calisiyor bende.softcam ipk nereden buluruz jolie ustat.

    **SAMSUNG 46"C6700+40"6500+XTREND ET10000+LG BlurayPlayer+Denon1911+Magnat Supreme 1000 +PS3-120GB-3.55CFW!!!!

  6. #16
    TDW Team-S-Mod. berkenkey - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    "attention to use OpenXTA V2 a new software flash is needed"

    diye yazmışlar ne demekse

  7. #17
    Senior Member s.savas - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    Şunu anlamıyorum arkadaşlar.
    Yeni imaj olarak piyasaya sürülen imajlardan yazılımcılar neden softcam paneli desteğini devam ettirmezler. Bu cihazla ben nasanın veri tabanına mı erişeceğim, yoksa mossadın gizli sırlarınamı erişeceğim. Bu tür cihazları kullanan insanların amaçları üç aşağı - beş yukarı hep benzer gerekçelerdir. İnsanlar işinden gücünden arta kalan zamanlarında veya evinde istirahat ederken bir kaç saatlik eğlence için kullanıyor.
    Bunun için benim favorim OpenPli dir. Gerisi hikaye.

  8. #18
    TDW Team-Co Admin OsmaNLı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    Alıntı berkenkey Nickli Üyeden Alıntı [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    "attention to use OpenXTA V2 a new software flash is needed"

    diye yazmışlar ne demekse
    ne kast ediliyor olabilir berkenkey
    ben pek anlamadım
    flash kullanımında dikkat gerekir derken

  9. #19
    TDW Team-S-Mod. kocahaydar - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    OpenXTA V2 yeni bir yazilimdir, flash' de kullanmak icin dikkat etmek gereklidir.
    Artik neye dikkat edilcekse, bari onuda yazsaydilar ise yarardi.
    Busekil falciya gitmek gerekicek.

    Sundugum tüm dosyalar test amaclidir.
    Yanlis kullanmada veya herhangi bir problem oldugunda herkes kendisi sorumludur.
    Kesinlikle Mesuliyet kabul etmiyorum.

  10. #20
    TDW Team-Co Admin OsmaNLı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET9X00 27.02.2014

    evet bugünkü yazılım ile yeşil ekransız kurulumu yaptım

    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]

  11. Teşekkür edenler:

    sonic (28.02.2014)


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Benzer Konular

  1. OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET10000
    Von kocahaydar im Forum XTrend ET10000
    Cevaplar: 1
    Son Mesaj: 11.04.2014, 16:37
  2. OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET8X00
    Von kocahaydar im Forum XTrend ET8000, 8X00
    Cevaplar: 1
    Son Mesaj: 11.04.2014, 16:35
  3. OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET6X00
    Von kocahaydar im Forum XTrend ET6000, 6X00
    Cevaplar: 1
    Son Mesaj: 11.04.2014, 16:34
  4. OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET5X00
    Von kocahaydar im Forum XTrend ET5000, 5X00
    Cevaplar: 1
    Son Mesaj: 11.04.2014, 16:33
  5. OpenXTA V2 Xtrend ET4X00
    Von kocahaydar im Forum XTrend ET4000, 4X00
    Cevaplar: 1
    Son Mesaj: 11.04.2014, 16:30


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