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Konu: pyo test

  1. #1
    Banned orhan t - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2011
    Bulunduğu yer
    Münih, Germany
    Total 'Thanks' Received by This User :
    0 Bu Konu icin
    170 Toplam

    Standart pyo test

    ustalar bu bir test bu tv8 pyo yu tv8 py ye cevirirseniz size bravo sizden büyük yok...saygilarimla
    Eklenmiş Dosya Eklenmiş Dosya
      Mesaja cevap vermeden eklentiyi indiremessiniz

  2. #2
    Vip Member endebar - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2011
    Total 'Thanks' Received by This User :
    1 Bu Konu icin
    4.437 Toplam

    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    # File: t (Python 2.7)
    from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox
    from twisted.web.client import getPage
    from twisted.web import client, error as weberror
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    from twisted.internet import defer
    from urllib import quote, urlencode
    import re
    import urllib2
    import urllib
    import cookielib
    from jsunpacker import cJsUnpacker
    from t0mm0.common.net import Net
    from twagenthelper import TwAgentHelper
    from packer import unpack
    from otvhelper import *
    import otv_kuresel
    from OTVPlayer import OTVPlayer
    from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.otvhelper import *
    from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.twagenthelper import TwAgentHelper
    from otvscreen import OTVScreen
    from showAsThumb import ShowThumbscreen, CoverHelper
    import cgi
    from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
    from pCommon import common, CParsingHelper
    import json
    from urlparse import parse_qs
    import re
    import util
    import sys
    import struct
    import base64
    import unicodedata
    import requests
    import cookielib
    from base64 import b64decode as bsdcd
    from decrypt import *
    from core.item import Item
    import urllib
    from StringIO import StringIO
    from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.pCommon import common, CParsingHelper
    useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0'
    from OTVPlayer import OTVPlayer
    headers = [
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0'],
            'gzip, deflate'],
    from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.otvhelper import *
    from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
    from Screens.InfoBar import MoviePlayer, InfoBar, InfoBarNotifications, InfoBarServiceNotifications, InfoBarPVRState, InfoBarShowHide, InfoBarAudioSelection, InfoBarSubtitleSupport
    from Screens.InfoBarGenerics import InfoBarSeek, InfoBarCueSheetSupport, InfoBarMenu
    from enigma import eListboxPythonMultiContent, eServiceReference, getDesktop, iPlayableService, eSize, ePicLoad, iServiceInformation
    from ServiceReference import ServiceReference
    from enigma import eServiceReference
    import urllib
    import urllib2
    import re
    import sys
    import struct
    import base64
    class tvsekiz(OTVScreen):
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn7 import __init__
        def sayfaindir(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/'
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.sayfabilgi).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def sayfabilgi(self, data):
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('CANLI YAYIN', ''))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('Survivor t\xc3\xbcm b\xc4\xb1l\xc3\xbcmler', 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/Ajax/icerik/kategori_video_listele/22/83'))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('Survivor t\xc3\xbcm bol\xc3\xbcmler 1', 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/Ajax/icerik/kategori_video_listele/22/83'))
            data = data.replace('//img', 'http://img')
            channels = re.findall('<li ><a href="http://www.tv8.com.tr/(.*?)".*?<img src="(.*?)" alt="" title="" /></a></li>', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (urlveri, resim) in channels:
                    print urlveri, resim
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(urlveri), resim))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
            self.th_ThumbsQuery(self.tarzlistesi, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            handlung = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            coverUrl = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
        def keyOK(self):
            exist = self['liste'].getCurrent()
            if self.kilitkir or exist == None:
                return None
            add_adi = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            urladi = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            urlveri = 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/' + self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            self.session.open(sonbolumizlesenenet1, urlveri, urladi, add_adi)
            add_adi = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            urladi = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            urlveri = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            print urladi
            if 'Survivor t\xc3\xbcm b\xc4\xb1l\xc3\xbcmler' in urladi:
                print add_adi
                self.session.open(tumbolumler2, urlveri, urladi, add_adi)
            if 'Survivor t\xc3\xbcm bol\xc3\xbcmler 1' in urladi:
                print add_adi
                self.session.open(tumbolumler2, urlveri, urladi, add_adi)
            if 'CANLI YAYIN' in urladi:
                url = 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/canli-yayin'
                src = 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/Ajax/icerik/video_count_canli'
                print url
                getPage(url, method = 'POST', postdata = src, headers = {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.streamDat).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def streamDat(self, data):
            print data
        def streamDat(self, data):
            print data
            streamDaten = re.findall('mobileSource\t\t\t: \t"http://mn-i.mncdn.com/tv8_ios/smil:tv8_live.smil/playlist.m3u8?(.*?)",', data, re.S)
            if streamDaten:
                serviceUrl = streamDaten[0]
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = 'rtmp://mn-l.mncdn.com/tv8/ playpath=tv8_live3?%s  swfUrl=http://players-p.mncdn.com/estv/flowplayer.unlimited-3.2.16.swf  pageUrl=http://www.ecanlitvizle.com/Tv8/Tv84.php' % serviceUrl
            url = url.replace('m3u8', 'm3u8?')
            print streamName, url
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False)
        def searchCallback(self, callbackStr):
            if callbackStr is not None:
                print callbackStr
                self.session.open(sonbolumizlesenenet1, callbackStr)
    class sonbolumizlesenenet1(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import __init__
        def sayfaindir(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.urlveri, str(self.sayfa))
            url = url.replace('[]', '')
            print 'url=', url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.sayfabilgi).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def sayfabilgi(self, data):
            data = data.replace('//img', 'http://img')
            rssfeed = re.findall('class="tabVideoListContent-img"><img src="(.*?)" alt="" title="" /><span class="time1">.*?</span><span class="play5">play</span></a><p class="clearfix tabVideoListTextContent"><a href="(.*?)" class="sliderType4TitleCat">.*?class="tabVideoListTitle">(.*?)</a>', data, re.S)
            if rssfeed:
                for (title, image, channelname) in rssfeed:
                    print title, image, channelname
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(channelname), title, image))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
            self.th_ThumbsQuery(self.tarzlistesi, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            handlung = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            coverUrl = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn9 import keyShowThumb
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn1 import keyPageUpFast
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn1 import keyPageDownFast
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyUpRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyDownRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_repeatedUp
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyLeftRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyRightRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyDown
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyTxtPageUp
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyTxtPageDown
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyGreen
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_1
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_4
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_7
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_3
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_6
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_9
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            src = None
            name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][2]
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.streamData).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def streamData(self, data):
            if re.match(".*?html5AltSrc             :   '", data, re.S):
                stream = re.findall("html5AltSrc             :   '(.*?)'", data)
                if stream:
                    name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
                    url = '%s' % stream[0]
                    print name, url
                    self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                        (name, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'streamoase')
    class tumbolumler(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn12 import __init__
        def sayfaindir(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s/%s' % (self.urlveri, str(self.sayfa))
            url = url.replace('[]', '1')
            print 'url=', url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.sayfabilgi).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def sayfabilgi(self, data):
            data = data.replace('(', '')
            data = data.replace(')', '')
            data = data.replace('\\', '')
            data = data.replace('u0', '')
            data = data.replace('\\\\/', '/')
            data = data.replace('\\/', '/')
            data = data.replace('0f6', '\xc3\xb6')
            data = data.replace('0fc', '\xc3\xbc')
            data = data.replace('15f', '\xc5?')
            data = data.replace('131', '\xc4\xb1')
            rssfeed = re.findall('"id":"(.*?)".*?"spot":"(.*?)","slug":"(.*?)".*?"620_340":"(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if rssfeed:
                for (title, channel, name, image) in rssfeed:
                    print title, image, channel, name
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(channel), name, title, image))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
            self.th_ThumbsQuery(self.tarzlistesi, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            Name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            handlung = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            coverUrl = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][3].replace('uploads', 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/uploads')
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn9 import keyShowThumb
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn1 import keyPageUpFast
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn1 import keyPageDownFast
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyUpRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyDownRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_repeatedUp
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyLeftRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyRightRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyDown
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyTxtPageUp
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyTxtPageDown
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyGreen
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_1
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_4
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_7
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_3
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_6
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_9
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            src = None
            name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][2]
            veri = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            url = 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/video/survivor/%s/%s' % (veri, name)
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.streamData).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def streamData(self, data):
            if re.match(".*?html5AltSrc             :   '", data, re.S):
                stream = re.findall("html5AltSrc             :   '(.*?)'", data)
                if stream:
                    name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
                    url = '%s' % stream[0]
                    print name, url
                    self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                        (name, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'streamoase')
    class tumbolumler2(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn12 import __init__
        def sayfaindir(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s/%s' % (self.urlveri, str(self.sayfa))
            url = url.replace('[]', '1')
            print 'url=', url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.sayfabilgi).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def sayfabilgi(self, data):
            data = data.replace('(', '')
            data = data.replace(')', '')
            data = data.replace('\\', '')
            data = data.replace('\\u', '')
            data = data.replace('\\\\/', '/')
            data = data.replace('\\/', '/')
            data = data.replace('00f6', '\xc3\xb6')
            data = data.replace('00fc', '\xc3\xbc')
            data = data.replace('015f', '\xc5?')
            data = data.replace('0131', '\xc4\xb1')
            rssfeed = re.findall('"id":"(.*?)".*?"spot":"(.*?)","slug":"(.*?)".*?"original":"(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if rssfeed:
                for (title, channel, name, image) in rssfeed:
                    print title, image, channel, name
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(channel), name, title, image))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
            self.th_ThumbsQuery(self.tarzlistesi, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            Name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            handlung = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            coverUrl = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][3].replace('uploads', 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/uploads')
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn9 import keyShowThumb
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn1 import keyPageUpFast
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn1 import keyPageDownFast
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyUpRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyDownRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_repeatedUp
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyLeftRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyRightRepeated
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyDown
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyTxtPageUp
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyTxtPageDown
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import keyGreen
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_1
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_4
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_7
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_3
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_6
        from Plugins.Extensions.OrhanTV1.sources.puzzle.screentn3 import key_9
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            src = None
            name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][2]
            veri = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            streamurl = 'http://www.tv8.com.tr/video/survivor/%s/%s' % (veri, name)
            self.session.open(bolumler, streamurl)
        def streamData(self, data):
            if re.match(".*?html5AltSrc             :   '", data, re.S):
                stream = re.findall("html5AltSrc             :   '(.*?)'", data)
                if stream:
                    name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
                    url = '%s' % stream[0]
                    print name, url
                    self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                        (name, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'streamoase')
    class bolumler(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self['name'] = Label('')
            self['eylem'] = Label('')
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.urls = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '')
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('1. BOL\xdcM', '%s/1' % self.streamurl))
            if re.match('.*?<a href="', data, re.S):
                data = data.replace('1. B\xd6L\xdcM', '').replace('class=""', 'class="active"')
                channels = re.findall('<a href="(http://www.tv8.com.tr/video/survivor/.*?)" class="active">(.*?)</a>', data)
                if channels:
                    for (streamName, streamurl) in channels:
                        print streamurl, streamName
                        self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(streamurl), streamName))
                self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
                self.kilitkir = False
                self.th_ThumbsQuery(self.tarzlistesi, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1].replace('1', '1. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('2', '2. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('3', '3. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('4', '4. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('5', '5. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('6', '6. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('7', '7. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('8', '8. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('9', '9. Par\xc3\xa7a')
            Name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1].replace('1', '1. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('2', '2. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('3', '3. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('4', '4. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('5', '5. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('6', '6. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('7', '7. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('8', '8. Par\xc3\xa7a').replace('9', '9. Par\xc3\xa7a')
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            url = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            print url
            getPage(url, agent = std_headers, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.streamData).addErrback(self.dataError)
        def streamData(self, data):
            if re.match(".*?html5AltSrc             :   '", data, re.S):
                stream = re.findall("html5AltSrc             :   '(.*?)'", data)
                if stream:
                    name = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
                    url = '%s' % stream[0]
                    print name, url
                    self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                        (name, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'streamoase')
    class odnoklassniki(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self['eylem'] = Label('')
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            if config.orhantv1.premiumize_use.value and config.orhantv1.sp_use_yt_with_proxy.value:
            self.useProxy = otv_kuresel.premium_yt_proxy_host
            self.favo_path = config.orhantv1.watchlistpath.value + 'mp_yt_favorites.xml'
            self.tw_agent_hlp = TwAgentHelper(gzip_decoding = True)
            self.playAll = False
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.headers = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPa(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '').replace('#038;', '')
            print 'url=', url
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.loadPage).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def loadPage(self, data):
            print data
            channels = re.findall('</div><a class="outLnk blk" href="(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                url = '%s' % channels[0]
                print url
        def pageData(self, url):
            print url
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('mobile', '%s' % url.replace('st.mq=2', 'st.mq=4').replace('amp;', '')))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('lowes', '%s' % url.replace('st.mq=2', 'st.mq=1').replace('amp;', '')))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('low', '%s' % url.replace('st.mq=2', 'st.mq=2').replace('amp;', '')))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('sd', '%s' % url.replace('st.mq=2', 'st.mq=3').replace('amp;', '')))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('hd', '%s' % url.replace('st.mq=2', 'st.mq=5').replace('amp;', '')))
            self.tarzlistesi.append(('full', '' + url.replace('st.mq=2', 'st.mq=6').replace('amp;', '')))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def listinfo(self):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            streamHandlung = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            print streamName, url
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url)])
        def streamData5(self, url):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            if url:
                print url
                self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                    (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\xc5\x9f', 's').replace('&', '&').replace('’', "'").replace('\xc3\xbc', 'u').replace('\xc3\x87', 'C').replace('\xc4\xb1', '\xc4\xb1').replace('–', '-').replace('\xc3\xa7', 'c').replace('\xc3\x96', 'O').replace('\xc5\x9e', 'S').replace('\xc3\xb6', 'o').replace('\xc4\x9f', 'g').replace('\xc4\xb0', 'I').replace('\xe2\x80\x93', '-')
            html = html.replace('\\&', '&').replace('240p', 'lowest').replace('360p', 'low').replace('480p', 'sd').replace('760p', 'hd').replace('720p', 'hd').replace('1080p', 'fullhd')
            if re.findall('<p><iframe src="(.*?)"', data, re.S):
                channels = re.findall('name="flashvars" value="(.*?)"', data)
                if channels:
                    for iframe in channels:
                        print iframe
                        self.kilitkir = False
                        iframe = re.findall('url720=(.*?)\\&', iframe[0])
                        print iframe
                        streamUrl = '%s' % iframe[0]
                        if streamUrl:
                            print streamUrl
                            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                                (channelname, streamUrl)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
    class vkru(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            if config.orhantv1.premiumize_use.value and config.orhantv1.sp_use_yt_with_proxy.value:
            self.useProxy = otv_kuresel.premium_yt_proxy_host
            self.favo_path = config.orhantv1.watchlistpath.value + 'mp_yt_favorites.xml'
            self.tw_agent_hlp = TwAgentHelper(gzip_decoding = True)
            self.playAll = False
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '').replace('#038;', '').replace('&amp;', '&')
            print 'url=', url
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\\/', '/')
            data = data.replace('amp;', '')
            channels = re.findall('"url(.*?)":"(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (streamurl, streamName) in channels:
                    print streamurl, streamName
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(streamurl), streamName))
                self.kilitkir = False
                self.tarzlistesi.append('This site is blocked by VK.com')
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            if url:
                print url
                self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                    (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            print data
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, data)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def arseVideo(self, html):
            showpage = open(data)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(showpage)
            panel = soup.find('div', {
                'encoding': 'UTF-8' })
            a = str(panel)
            a = a.strip()
            channels = re.findall('<source src="(.*?)"', html, re.S)
            if channels:
                for iframe in channels:
                    url = '%s' % iframe[0]
                    if url:
                        print name, url
                        self.session.open(Orhantv, name, url)
    class picasaweb(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            if config.orhantv1.premiumize_use.value and config.orhantv1.sp_use_yt_with_proxy.value:
            self.useProxy = otv_kuresel.premium_yt_proxy_host
            self.favo_path = config.orhantv1.watchlistpath.value + 'mp_yt_favorites.xml'
            self.tw_agent_hlp = TwAgentHelper(gzip_decoding = True)
            self.playAll = False
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.urls = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '').replace('#038;', '').replace('amp;', '')
            print 'url=', url
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\\/', '/').replace('amp;', '')
            channels = re.findall("<media:content url='([Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız])' height='.*?' width='(.*?)' type='video/mpeg4'/>", data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (streamName, streamurl) in channels:
                    print streamurl, streamName
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(streamurl), streamName))
                self.kilitkir = False
                self.tarzlistesi.append('This site is blocked by VK.com')
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            if url:
                print url
                self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                    (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            print data
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, data)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def arseVideo(self, html):
            channels = re.findall('<source src="(.*?)"', html, re.S)
            if channels:
                for iframe in channels:
                    url = '%s' % iframe[0]
                    if url:
                        print name, url
                        self.session.open(Orhantv, name, url)
    class mailru(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self['name'] = Label('')
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            self.net = Net()
            self.showmsgbox = True
            useProxy = config.orhantv1.premiumize_use.value
            self.puser = config.orhantv1.premiumize_username.value
            self.ppass = config.orhantv1.premiumize_password.value
            self.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like Gecko'
            self.playAll = False
            self['eylem'] = Label('')
            self._getJsonFromAPI = []
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            self.channelnames = []
            self._jsonToSortedTab = []
            self.url = []
            self.stream_not_found = []
            self.kekse = []
            self.channels = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPa(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url3 = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url3 = url3.replace('[]', '')
            req = urllib2.Request(url3)
            resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
            data = resp.read()
            cookie = resp.headers.get('Set-Cookie')
            video_key = re.findall('video_key=(.*?);', cookie)[0]
            self.video_key = video_key
            video_key = self.video_key
            page = urllibrequest(url3)
            url4 = re.findall('"metadataUrl":"(.*?)"', page)[0]
            headers = {
                'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
                'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, sdch',
                'Accept-Language': 'de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4',
                'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
                'Connection': 'keep-alive',
                'Cookie': '%s ' % cookie[0],
                'Host': 'videoapi.my.mail.ru',
                'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1e',
                'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.80 Safari/537.36' }
            url = urllibrequest(url4)
            print url
            urla = hexkodla(url)
            kir = re.findall('"key":"(.*?)","url":"(.*?)"', urla)
            if kir:
                for (stream, Name) in kir:
                    print Name, stream
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(stream), Name))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            headers = None
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1] + '|Cookie: video_key=%s' % self.video_key
            print streamName, url
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def streamData(self, data):
            data = data.replace('%2F', '/').replace('%3A', ':').replace('12=1', '12=2')
            streamDaten = re.findall('73=(.*?)&10=(.*?)&11=(.*?)&', data, re.S)
            if streamDaten:
                (playPath, rtmp, File) = streamDaten[0]
            url = '%s/%s live=1 pageUrl=token swfUrl=%s' % (rtmp, File, playPath)
            channelname = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (channelname, url)], ltype = 'filmon')
        def setExtraHeaders(dictHeaders):
        def resetExtraHeaders(self):
        def Cookies2(self, url):
            c = ''
            for cookie in self.cookiejar:
                if cookie.domain_specified and cookie.domain in url:
                    c += cookie.name + '=' + cookie.value + ';'
            if len(c) > 0:
                url += '|Cookie=' + urllib.quote(c)
            return url
        def testPlay(self):
            url = [ self.addCookies2Url(x) for x in self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1] ]
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url[0])])
            return zip(url)
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            print data
        def arseVideo(self, html):
            channels = re.findall('<source src="(.*?)"', html, re.S)
            if channels:
                for iframe in channels:
                    url = '%s' % iframe[0]
                    if url:
                        print name, url
                        self.session.open(Orhantv, name, url)
    class httpvkfix(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.urls = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '')
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            print data
            data = data.replace('.m3u8"', '.m3u8",label:"HLS"')
            channels = re.findall('file":"(.*?)".*?label":"(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (streamName, streamurl) in channels:
                    print streamName, streamurl
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(streamurl), streamName))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            print streamName, url
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\xc5\x9f', 's').replace('&', '&').replace('’', "'").replace('\xc3\xbc', 'u').replace('\xc3\x87', 'C').replace('\xc4\xb1', '\xc4\xb1').replace('–', '-').replace('\xc3\xa7', 'c').replace('\xc3\x96', 'O').replace('\xc5\x9e', 'S').replace('\xc3\xb6', 'o').replace('\xc4\x9f', 'g').replace('\xc4\xb0', 'I').replace('\xe2\x80\x93', '-')
            html = html.replace('\\&', '&').replace('240p', 'lowest').replace('360p', 'low').replace('480p', 'sd').replace('760p', 'hd').replace('720p', 'hd').replace('1080p', 'fullhd')
            if re.findall('<p><iframe src="(.*?)"', data, re.S):
                channels = re.findall('name="flashvars" value="(.*?)"', data)
                if channels:
                    for iframe in channels:
                        print iframe
                        self.kilitkir = False
                        iframe = re.findall('url720=(.*?)\\&', iframe[0])
                        print iframe
                        streamUrl = '%s' % iframe[0]
                        if streamUrl:
                            print streamUrl
                            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                                (channelname, streamUrl)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
    class vimeovideo(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            self['eylem'] = Label('')
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.urls = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '')
            print url
            info = 'http://www.filmifullizle.org/playerr/jwplayer.js?jwplayer.key=8bjEVGgiMfVhJhIbwaDDOTawGlvwCtWnvZJZZ9X8wF0Md9oWiVOmbHFMHyXHHwRd'
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            print data
            channels = re.findall('"url":"(.*?)","cdn":".*?","quality":"(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (Name, url) in channels:
                    print url, Name
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(url), Name))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0]
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            print streamName, url
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def streamData5(self, url):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            if url:
                print url
                self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                    (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\xc5\x9f', 's').replace('&', '&').replace('’', "'").replace('\xc3\xbc', 'u').replace('\xc3\x87', 'C').replace('\xc4\xb1', '\xc4\xb1').replace('–', '-').replace('\xc3\xa7', 'c').replace('\xc3\x96', 'O').replace('\xc5\x9e', 'S').replace('\xc3\xb6', 'o').replace('\xc4\x9f', 'g').replace('\xc4\xb0', 'I').replace('\xe2\x80\x93', '-')
            html = html.replace('\\&', '&').replace('240p', 'OdL-lowest').replace('360p', 'OdL-low').replace('480p', 'OdL-sd').replace('760p', 'OdL-hd').replace('720p', 'OdL-hd').replace('1080p', 'OdL-fullhd')
            if re.findall('<p><iframe src="(.*?)"', data, re.S):
                channels = re.findall('name="flashvars" value="(.*?)"', data)
                if channels:
                    for iframe in channels:
                        print iframe
                        self.kilitkir = False
                        iframe = re.findall('url720=(.*?)\\&', iframe[0])
                        print iframe
                        streamUrl = '%s' % iframe[0]
                        if streamUrl:
                            print streamUrl
                            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                                (channelname, streamUrl)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
    class httpokru(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.urls = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '').replace('|', '%7C')
            src = 'http://s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-50a402d90c8fbb9f'
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            channels = re.findall('file:"(.*?)",\xb7label:"(.*?)", type: "mp4"', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (streamName, streamurl) in channels:
                    print streamurl, streamName
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(streamurl), streamName))
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            self.streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            print streamName, url
            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def streamData5(self, url):
            streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            if url:
                print url
                self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                    (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def parseVideo(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\xc5\x9f', 's').replace('&', '&').replace('’', "'").replace('\xc3\xbc', 'u').replace('\xc3\x87', 'C').replace('\xc4\xb1', '\xc4\xb1').replace('–', '-').replace('\xc3\xa7', 'c').replace('\xc3\x96', 'O').replace('\xc5\x9e', 'S').replace('\xc3\xb6', 'o').replace('\xc4\x9f', 'g').replace('\xc4\xb0', 'I').replace('\xe2\x80\x93', '-')
            html = html.replace('\\&', '&').replace('240p', 'OdL-lowest').replace('360p', 'OdL-low').replace('480p', 'OdL-sd').replace('760p', 'OdL-hd').replace('720p', 'OdL-hd').replace('1080p', 'OdL-fullhd')
            if re.findall('<p><iframe src="(.*?)"', data, re.S):
                channels = re.findall('name="flashvars" value="(.*?)"', data)
                if channels:
                    for iframe in channels:
                        print iframe
                        self.kilitkir = False
                        iframe = re.findall('url720=(.*?)\\&', iframe[0])
                        print iframe
                        streamUrl = '%s' % iframe[0]
                        if streamUrl:
                            print streamUrl
                            self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                                (channelname, streamUrl)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
    class dailymotion(OTVScreen, CoverHelper):
        def __init__(self, session, streamurl):
            Screen.__init__(self, session)
            self.streamurl = streamurl
            self.plugin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath
            self.skin_path = otv_kuresel.pluginPath + '/PNG'
            path = '%s/%s/kleinScreen.xml' % (self.skin_path, config.orhantv1.skin.value)
            if not fileExists(path):
                path = self.skin_path + '/yedek/kleinScreen.xml'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                self.skin = f.read()
            OTVScreen.__init__(self, session)
            self['actions'] = ActionMap([
                'MenuActions'], {
                'ok': self.keyOK,
                'cancel': self.keyCancel }, -1)
            self['info'] = Label()
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.replace = []
            self.lastpage = 999
            self.kilitkir = True
            self.tarzlistesi = []
            self.kekse = { }
            self.channelname = []
            if config.orhantv1.premiumize_use.value and config.orhantv1.sp_use_yt_with_proxy.value:
            self.useProxy = otv_kuresel.premium_yt_proxy_host
            self.favo_path = config.orhantv1.watchlistpath.value + 'mp_yt_favorites.xml'
            self.tw_agent_hlp = TwAgentHelper(gzip_decoding = True)
            self.playAll = False
            self.imageUrl = []
            self.urls = []
            self.url = []
            self.page = []
            self.OTVList = MenuList([], enableWrapAround = True, content = eListboxPythonMultiContent)
            self.OTVList.l.setFont(0, gFont('orhantv1', 23))
            self['liste'] = self.OTVList
            self.new_service = session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
            self.refNew = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
        def loadPage(self):
            self.kilitkir = True
            url = '%s%s' % (self.streamurl, str(self.page))
            url = url.replace('[]', '').replace('#038;', '')
            print 'url=', url
            print url
            getPage(url, headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }).addCallback(self.pageData).addErrback(self.errorload)
        def pageData(self, data):
            data = data.replace('\\/', '/')
            channels = re.findall(',"(240|380|480|720)":.*?"type":"video\\/mp4","url":"(.*?)"', data, re.S)
            if channels:
                for (streamurl, streamName) in channels:
                    print streamurl, streamName
                    self.tarzlistesi.append((alfabekodla(streamurl), streamName))
                self.kilitkir = False
                self.tarzlistesi.append('This site is blocked by VK.com')
            self.OTVList.setList(map(Gir, self.tarzlistesi))
            self.kilitkir = False
        def errorload(self, error):
            print '[streams]:', error
        def keyShowThumb(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            None.th_keyShowThumb(self.filmliste, 0, 1, 2, None, None, 1, 1)
        def listinfo(self):
            self.streamName = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
        def keyOK(self):
            if self.kilitkir:
                return None
            streamName = None['liste'].getCurrent()[0][0]
            url = self['liste'].getCurrent()[0][1]
            if url:
                print url
                self.session.open(OTVPlayer, [
                    (streamName, url)], showPlaylist = False, ltype = 'tvkino')
    class AADecoder(object):
        def __init__(self, aa_encoded_data):
            self.encoded_str = aa_encoded_data
        def is_aaencoded(self):
            if self.encoded_str.find("\xef\xbe\x9f\xcf\x89\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbe\x89= /\xef\xbd\x80\xef\xbd\x8d\xc2\xb4\xef\xbc\x89\xef\xbe\x89 ~\xe2\x94\xbb\xe2\x94\x81\xe2\x94\xbb   //*\xc2\xb4\xe2\x88\x87\xef\xbd\x80*/ ['_']; o=(\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f)  =_=3; c=(\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f) =(\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f)-(\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f); ") == -1:
                return False
            if None.encoded_str.find("(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f)[\xef\xbe\x9fo\xef\xbe\x9f]) (\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f)) ('_');") == -1:
                return False
        def clean(self):
            return re.sub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', self.encoded_str)
        def base_repr(self, number, base = 2, padding = 0):
            digits = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
            if base > len(digits):
                base = len(digits)
            num = abs(number)
            res = []
            while num:
                res.append(digits[num % base])
                num //= base
            if padding:
                res.append('0' * padding)
            if number < 0:
            if not res:
            return ''.join(reversed('0'))
        def decode(self):
            self.encoded_str = self.clean()
            pattern = '\\(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f\\)\\[\xef\xbe\x9fo\xef\xbe\x9f\\]\\+ (.+?)\\(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f\\)\\[\xef\xbe\x9fo\xef\xbe\x9f\\]\\)'
            result = re.search(pattern, self.encoded_str, re.DOTALL)
            if result == None:
                print 'AADecoder: data not found'
                return False
            data = None.group(1)
            b = [
                '((o^_^o) - (\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f) +(c^_^o))',
                '((\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f) + (\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f))',
                '((o^_^o) +(o^_^o) +(c^_^o))',
                '((\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f) + (o^_^o))',
                '((\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f) + (\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f))',
                '((\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f) + (\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f) + (\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f))',
                '(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f) .\xef\xbe\x9f\xcf\x89\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbe\x89',
                '(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f) .\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbe\x89',
                "(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f) ['c']",
                '(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f) .\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbe\x89',
                '(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f) .\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbe\x89',
                '(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f) [\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\x98\xef\xbe\x9f]']
            begin_char = '(\xef\xbe\x9f\xd0\x94\xef\xbe\x9f)[\xef\xbe\x9f\xce\xb5\xef\xbe\x9f]+'
            alt_char = '(o\xef\xbe\x9f\xef\xbd\xb0\xef\xbe\x9fo)+ '
            end_char = '+ '
            out = ''
            while data != '':
                if data.find(begin_char) != 0:
                    print 'AADecoder: data not found'
                    return False
                data = None[len(begin_char):]
                enc_char = ''
                if data.find(begin_char) == -1:
                    enc_char = data
                    data = ''
                    enc_char = data[:data.find(begin_char)]
                    data = data[len(enc_char):]
                radix = 8
                if enc_char.find(alt_char) == 0:
                    enc_char = enc_char[len(alt_char):]
                    radix = 16
                str_char = ''
                while enc_char != '':
                    for i in range(len(b)):
                        if enc_char.find(b[i]) == 0:
                            str_char += self.base_repr(i, radix)
                            enc_char = enc_char[len(b[i]):]
                        if i == len(b) - 1:
                            print 'no match in b array: ' + enc_char
                            return False
                    enc_char = enc_char[len(end_char):]
                if str_char == '':
                    print 'no match : ' + data
                    return False
                None += chr(int(str_char, radix))
            if out == '':
                print 'no match : ' + data
                return False
            return None
        def Decompiling(self, baseUrl):
            print 'EasyPythonDecompiler Invalid pyc/pyo file!' % baseUrl
            def fun1(x):
                o = ''
                l = len(x)
                i = l - 1
                while i >= 0:
                        o += x[i]
                    i -= 1
                return o
            def fun2(x):
                o = ''
                ol = len(x)
                l = ol
                while ord(x[l / 13]) != 48:
                        x += x
                        l += l
                i = l - 1
                while i >= 0:
                        o += x[i]
                    i -= 1
                return o[:ol]
            def fun3(x, y, a = 1):
                o = ''
                i = 0
                l = len(x)
                while i < l:
                    if i < y:
                        y += a
                    y %= 127
                    o += JS_FromCharCode(ord(x[i]) ^ y)
                    y += 1
                    i += 1
                return o
            (sts, data) = self.cm.getPage(baseUrl)
            if not sts:
                return []
            data = data[data.find('x="') + 2:data.rfind('"') + 1]
            dataTab = data.split('+\n')
            data = ''
            for line in dataTab:
                line = line.strip()
                if '"' != line[0] or '"' != line[-1]:
                    raise Exception('EasyPythonDecompiler Invalid pyc/pyo file!')
                data += line[1:-1]
            def backslashUnEscaped(data):
                tmp = ''
                idx = 0
                while idx < len(data):
                    if data[idx] == '\\':
                        tmp += data[idx + 1]
                        idx += 2
                    tmp += data[idx]
                    idx += 1
                return tmp
            data = backslashUnEscaped(data)
            data = data[data.find('f("') + 3:data.rfind('"')]
            data = fun1(data)
            print data
            data = backslashUnEscaped(data)
            print data
            data = data[data.find('f("') + 3:data.rfind('"')]
            print data
            data = data.decode('string_escape')
            data = fun3(data, 50, 0)
            data = backslashUnEscaped(data)
            print data
            return None
            data = data[data.find('f("') + 3:data.rfind('"')]
            data = fun2(data)
            data = data.decode('string-escape')
            data = data[data.find('f("') + 3:data.rfind('"')]
            data = fun3(data, 23, 1)
            data = backslashUnEscaped(data)
            print data
            print 'Invalid pyc/pyo file! '
            print data
            print 'Invalid pyc/pyo file!'
            return None
            data = fun3(data, 23, 1)
            data = backslashUnEscaped(data)

  3. Teşekkür edenler:

    akkrep71 (19.11.2015)

  4. #3
    Banned orhan t - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Münih, Germany
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    bunu eASY le yapmadigin belli endebar arkadas easyiye hata verdiriyorum bu programmin adini verirsen memnun olurum bir de onun üzerinde calisirim..saygilarimla

  5. #4
    TDW Team-S-Mod. berkenkey - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Mar 2012
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    Alıntı orhan t Nickli Üyeden Alıntı [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    bunu eASY le yapmadigin belli endebar arkadas easyiye hata verdiriyorum bu programmin adini verirsen memnun olurum bir de onun üzerinde calisirim..saygilarimla
    Python da decode yapılıyor zaten başka birşeye gerek yok.

  6. #5
    Senior Member dreamboxco - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    nereye yükleniyor

  7. Teşekkür edenler:

    sait1 (15.02.2016)

  8. #6
    Banned orhan t - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    Alıntı berkenkey Nickli Üyeden Alıntı [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    Python da decode yapılıyor zaten başka birşeye gerek yok.
    ubuntu forum larini gezdim aylardir bir bilgi bulamadim bir bilgi verirseniz orhantv yi bu sekilde indirmem calinti cok emege saygi yok eASY i benim yazilimi decode edemiyor EasyPythonDecompiler i bitirdim... tesekkürler

  9. #7
    Banned orhan t - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    test etmek isteyen varsa easy test dosyada sifresiz pyo var
    Konu orhan t tarafından (20.11.2015 Saat 20:57 ) değiştirilmiştir.

  10. #8
    Senior Member dreamboxco - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    enigma2 plugins e ekledigine göre bir E2 Plugin olarak algiliyorum.
    Yoksa hatam mi var? Burada bizimle paylasmak istedigin dosya ne icin neye yarar ve nasil yüklenir anlatirsan aydinlik getirirsin.

  11. #9
    TDW Team-S-Mod. berkenkey - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2012
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    Alıntı orhan t Nickli Üyeden Alıntı [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    ubuntu forum larini gezdim aylardir bir bilgi bulamadim bir bilgi verirseniz orhantv yi bu sekilde indirmem calinti cok emege saygi yok eASY i benim yazilimi decode edemiyor EasyPythonDecompiler i bitirdim... tesekkürler
    Phyton için uncompyle diye eklenti var onunla yapılıyor.

  12. #10
    TDW Team-S-Mod. berkenkey - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Cevap: pyo test

    Alıntı dreamboxco Nickli Üyeden Alıntı [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    enigma2 plugins e ekledigine göre bir E2 Plugin olarak algiliyorum.
    Yoksa hatam mi var? Burada bizimle paylasmak istedigin dosya ne icin neye yarar ve nasil yüklenir anlatirsan aydinlik getirirsin.
    Arkadaş yaptığı eklentinin dosyaları "kırılabiliyormu" diye test için vermiş dosyayı.


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  2. free test (kablolu yayın test) unitymedia kabelduncland kabelkiosk
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