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  1. #11
    TDW Team-S-Mod. usta_399 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Dec 2016
    Total 'Thanks' Received by This User :
    0 Bu Konu icin
    3.087 Toplam

    Standart Cevap: [*Windows] Total Commander Latest Version

    16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1

    Fixed: System information: Some text was cut on high DPI screens (32/64)
    Fixed: System information: Windows 10 Professional was reported as Enterprise due to bad values in 32-bit part of the registry (32)
    Fixed: Line breaks in comments were lost when renaming a file with DOS-encoded descript.ion which was converted to UTF-16 (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, define which view method and plugin should be used when opened: Option 4i (internal image viewer) wasn't working (32/64)
    Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6): Update quick view contents (Ctrl+q) also when just switching between files with up/down arrow without renaming anything (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister Crash trying to view *.eml file with new mode 8 (64)
    Fixed: FTP connect: When adding the FTP panel, the current file item could be scrolled out of the visual part of the file list (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: Printing of images: Always limit size to paper size even when display isn't set to "Fit image to window". Smaller images will not be scaled up, though (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: Printing of images other than BMP (e.g. JPG, GIF, PNG) didn't work (32/64)
    Fixed: Compare by content: Scroll horizontally when selecting with the mouse and moving the mouse cursor to the left/right of the compare window (32/64)
    Fixed: Port connection server started via switch /S=Portnr could be closed, but the program continued running in the background (64)
    Fixed: Verify checksums: couldn't load files with very long path names if they used slashes instead of backslashes in the checksum file (32/64)
    Added: Codepage menu for archives: Added OEM/DOS encoding option for each Windows encoding where applicable (32/64)
    Fixed: Right click context menu, "New" submenu: skip entries with empty name (32/64)
    Fixed: Right click context menu, "New" submenu: use "FriendlyTypeName" even if it only provides plain text (it doesn't start with @ linking to dll) (32/64)
    Fixed: UTF-8 file comments not always correct on systems with dual byte characters (e.g. Chinese) (32/64)
    Fixed: Unpack faulty ZIP files created by sync.com "Download all" function (32/64)
    Fixed: Comments for network shares (shown in root of server) didn't support Unicode (32/64)
    Added: Start working on dark mode support for Windows 10 1809 and later (32/64)
    Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryLenStored= set maximum number of entries in history to be stored to wincmd.ini [LeftHistory] and [RightHistory]. Default=200 on NT based systems, same as HistoryLen on 9x/ME due to limited max ini size (32/64)
    Added: Custom codepage in Lister, FTP connection settings or archive: list all installed codepages in dropdown combobox (32/64)
    Added: Quick search/Quick filter dialog: Clear search with Ctrl+Y (like in the command line) (32/64)
    Added: Search with 'Everything': Show percent of the search results transferred to Total Commander and added to the result list (Everything reports the total number of found files) (32/64)
    Added: Search with 'Everything': Show command sent to 'Everything' in search status bar. Repeated calls are shown with the file numbers requested, e.g. 10000- (32/64)
    Added: Right click on directory tab -> "Recently closed tabs": Hold down Shift to open restored tab in background (do not activate it) (32/64)
    Fixed: OneDrive: On Windows 10 1803 or newer, do not load thumbnails for files which are available online only, to not force their download (32/64)
    Fixed: OneDrive: Folders appearing as file system links (fake reparse points) were not included in many functions, e.g. packing, synchronizing (32/64)
    Added: Search via 'Everything': Show percentage done verifying the returned search results (32/64)
    Added: Search via 'Everything': Request results in chunks of 10000 files so it can be aborted when accidentally finding too many files (32/64)
    Fixed: Internal content plugin: Do not load version info fields if the file is a OneDrive online only file (not available offline), attribute contains 0x400000 (32/64)
    Added: Increased directory history length to 200, otherwise not many entries may remain when doing history thinning. The actual number of items shown is set by HistoryLen in wincmd.ini (32/64)
    Added: Find files: Automatically check 'Everything' option when using prefix ev: or ed: in search field (32/64)
    Fixed: Compare by content: when comparing 2 files, and a file loaded in memory was deleted, saving the file failed because no .bak file could be created (32/64)
    Added: Compare by content: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MaxCompareSizeInMem=1048576 size limit for files which are loaded completely in memory for comparison. Larger files are mapped into memory (file mapping) (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1, HistoryThinningDelta=0 enables thinning only when user starts some operation in the directory, not by timeout (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1/0 turns thinning on and off without changing the value of the timeout (32/64)
    Added: Directory history: When going to previous entry via Alt+Left arrow, and then manually changing to a different directory, append that directory to the END of the history (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: Alt+Shift+Down arrow or new command cm_DirectoryHistoryNoThinning shows history list without thinning (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: Keep normal history (Alt+Left/Right arrow) unchanged, only apply to history menu (Alt+Down arrow) (32/64)
    Added: Drive dropdown list, drive buttonbar: Show "eject" overlay over drive icon from Explorer for external USB harddisks. Enable/Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] CheckUsbHdd=1/0 (32/64)
    Added: Windows XP and newer: Call SetThreadStackGuarantee to have a minimum of 16kBytes stack left when getting into an infinite loop, so the exception handler can handle it (32/64)
    Added: New configuration option shown in Configuration - Options - Operation: Extra lines below cursor. Sets both ScrollingTopMargin and ScrollingBottomMargin (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: New configuration option shown in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinningDelta=5000 defaults to 5 seconds the user must stay in a directory to keep it in the history (32/64)
    Added: Directory history thinning: Only add directory to history if the user stayed there for x seconds, or performed any file operation in that location (32/64)
    Added: Right click on directory tab -> show submenu "Recently closed tabs" to restore closed tabs. Not remembered when program is closed (32/64)
    Fixed: Drag from TC running with normal user rights to program with elevated (administrator) rights via taskbar icon or Alt+Tab -> drag was cancelled (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) returned "not pressed") (32/64)
    Fixed: Drag currently not selected folder from tree -> that folder received the "open" indicator, although the previous folder was still open in the file panel (32/64)
    Fixed: Do not clear icons when changing file list colors, because icons in file system plugins were lost (32/64)
    Added: Menu item "Paste shortcut" below "Paste" in right click context menu on Windows versions where this menu item is missing (32/64)
    Fixed: Drag&Drop from other program: allow to drop files to read-only folder requiring elevation, e.g. c:\Program Files (32/64)
    Fixed: Drag&Drop from other program: data type HGLOBAL wasn't always accepted (64)
    Fixed: Windows 10, 2 monitors with different DPI: Right mouse button drag from Explorer to TC showed inaccessible drop menu -> call SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext (32/64)
    Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] InheritCaseSensitiveDir=1: If a folder has "case sensitive names" option set, inherit it when creating new folder inside. 0=off, 1=on, 2=on also when needing admin rights (tcmadmin) (32/64)
    Added: New internal function [=tc.case sensitive in folder] to check whether a folder is set to case sensitive mode for the files inside. Returns false for files, they cannot contain other files (32/64)
    Added: New internal function [=tc.case sensitive name] to check whether a file/folder name is case sensitive or not. Per folder case sensitivity requires Windows 10 1803 or newer (32/64)
    Added: New internal function [=tc.path length] to get the current path length (folder+file name). Uses Unicode on NT-based systems, ANSI otherwise (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Improvements when comparing two case sensitive folders (Windows 10 1803 or newer): now supports 2 or more files where the name only differs in case, but not folders (32/64)
    Fixed: Installer: Add fields InstallLocation and EstimatedSize to the registry (32/64)
    Fixed: Search result, feed to listbox, Show - Comments, Show - Full -> names were still truncated (32/64)
    Fixed: Numbers with thousands separators: support sizes > 1000TByte (32/64)
    Fixed: File associations: Also look for icon in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext\DefaultIcon if all other locations are missing (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: In some cases, "Cannot focus inactive control" error was shown in Ctrl+Q when pressing '4' (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP: Auto detect MLSD/MLST support also when the server sends 211-MLST in reply to "FEAT" command (32/64)
    Added: Find files, text search, Office XML, plus Lister, view HTML: When removing XML tags from Office XML, add line breaks for  and  paragraph end tags (32/64)
    Added: Find files, text search, Office XML: When removing XML tags, replace entities like "<" -> "<" (32/64)
    Added: Find files, text search, Office XML: Search the xml files both unmodified and with all XML tags removed, e.g. to find text with some characters set to attributes like bold (32/64)
    Fixed: Preserve attribute "not content indexed" (Can be set via Properties - Advanced) when renaming files (32/64)
    Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c3]: The last value of the counter defined in the Define counter field (32/64)
    Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c2]: Like [c] but with the number of digits defined in the Define counter field (32/64)
    Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c1] or [c]: Number of files/folders in the file list, e.g. "File [C] of [c]" -> "File 1 of 101" etc. (32/64)
    Fixed: Find files: Search for UTF-8 may not find a file when looking for the string by which the file ends, e.g. , and there is no line break after it (32/64) 
    Added: 256x256pixel icon (only to 64-bit version, 32-bit fails to compile - new icon must be replaced manually, e.g. with resource hacker) (64)

    PHP- Kodu:


  2. #12
    TDW Team-S-Mod. usta_399 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Dec 2016
    Total 'Thanks' Received by This User :
    0 Bu Konu icin
    3.087 Toplam

    Standart Cevap: [*Windows] Total Commander Latest Version

    Total Commander 11.02
    uptade / 09.11.2023

    • Synchronize directories: Comparison can now be paused (pause button)
    • Updated libdeflate/libdeflate64 DLLs: In rare cases Windows Explorer 7/10/11 could not extract archives created by this DLL even if the archive is 100% correct and can be extracted with Win7zip/pkzip/ WinRAR/7Zip without problems.
      If you can't or don't want to update now, you can [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız].
    • Files - Test archive(s) finds affected ZIP files, unless disabled (wincmd.ini [Packer] ZipTestWarnExplorer=0)
    • Improved thumbnail caching in thumbnail view
    • Multiple options available for cm_SyncChangeDir function (SyncChangeDirMode in wincmd.ini)
    • Bugfixes.

    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]


2. sayfa - 2 sayfa var BirinciBirinci 12

Benzer Konular

  1. Total Commander 9.10 beta2 Windows - 27.09.2017
    Von kocahaydar im Forum Apps ve PC Programları
    Cevaplar: 0
    Son Mesaj: 28.09.2017, 11:03


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