SME Server 7.4

SME Server 7.4, a CentOS-based specialist distribution for servers, has been released: "The SME Server development team is pleased to announce the release of SME Server 7.4. This release is based on CentOS 4.7. Other major changes in this release are the use of dar for backups and the change to UTF-8, along with translation to six additional languages. All SME Server users should upgrade to this release. Changes: fix GRUB label to keep consistent with the SME Server brand; introduce a web interface to configure the pseudonym 'visible' property; fix the ugly log messages (Use of uninitialized value) when spam checking results in 0 hits; emails sent to a null address without the username part are now rejected; support for sending mail to ISP via secure SMTP; enable the auth plugin for local LAN connections; migrate from the RBL lists to prevent mail bouncing...."

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