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  1. #1
    Administrator d-king - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    May 2007
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    Standart E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142

    E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142

    Stick Image for Kathrein UFS-910 1w or 14w

    RSP menu on RED button. Former RED command was moved to PLAY

    - A very good and up-to-date settings list (28E-30W)is included.
    We will have frequently updated lists made by EnF70, settings you can download from RSP Panel
    - We recommand you, still keep AC3 downmix on for stability and fewer (or even, no) green screens.
    - We also recommend to format partitions with ext3 fs.
    A few words on changes since the former E2 RSP 2.02 TDT 953:


    - new libplayer2
    - enable keyboard and mouse support
    - enigma2_01052009
    - Switch to MediaPLayerExtended
    - CSAT FR fix
    - wma support
    - mkv AAC
    - vob support
    - scan and recording both working
    - all scan problems and "No SID in PAT", fixed


    - New WEBIF by tic2000
    - RSP panel reaction speed increased
    - Name server issue, fixed
    - Intelligent EMU management:
    - each time you choose emu install, latest revision of EMU on server are checked and menu is redesigned, to include them
    - in the emu start/stop menu you will see only those that you have installed
    - you cannot re-install an emu if you don't remove it first
    - "RECORD" labeled partition is automatically mounted on /hdd/movie; the other partitions are mounted in /tmp/[device]
    - when mounting the HDD you can see only valid Linux partition
    - it supports cifs; you have to enable it in the menu and edit the configuration file (var/config/amnt.cfg) using the appropriate PC IP address,
    login username and password and the folder name you want to mount.

    Imagine de stick pentru Kathrein UFS-910 variantele de 14w si 1w
    Meniul RSP este pe ROSU
    Ce era pe rosu, e logic, acum e pe play ...

    Bine de stiut... :
    - imaginea contine o lista foarte buna si actuala (28E-30W). Periodic, vor exista pe serverul RSP, listele EnF70, cu care v-ati obisnuit deja,
    permanent actualizate, pe care le veti putea descarca direct din RSP panel.
    - va recomandam ca sa mentineti AC3 downmix ON pentru stabilitate si pentru a "vedea" cit mai putine ecrane verzi.
    - mai recomandam sa formatati partitiile cu ext3 fs/

    Citeva cuvinte legat de modificarile (noutatile) fata de imaginea E2 RSP 2.02 TDT 953:


    - libplayer2 - nou
    - suport pentru tastatura si mouse
    - kernel utilizat - enigma2_01052009
    - MediaPLayerExtended inlocuieste vechiul MediaPlayer
    - CSAT FR fix
    - suporta WMA
    - suporta mkv AAC
    - suporta VOB
    - scanarea si inregistrarea functionale
    - toate problemele de scanare si "No SID in PAT", rezolvate


    - WEBIF tic2000 - NOU
    - Panelul RSP rescris in proportie de 80%
    - scalare autoamata in meniul emu install (se face verificare pe server la orice incercare de install emu si daca apare ceva nou poti instala)
    - in Start/stop emu apar doar cele deja instalate
    - nu se poate reinstala emu, fara ca in prealabil sa fi fost dezinstalat
    - se face automount al partitiei cu eticheta RECORD in /hdd/movie
    - la montarea HDD apar doar partitiile linux valide (in mod normal ar trebui sa montati doar sdb..)
    - suport cifs inclus, se activeaza din meniu si se configureaza /var/config/amnt.cfg pentru a face automount, sunt necesare adresa IP a PC-ului,
    numele de utilizator si parola de conectare, precum si numele subdirectorului Windows ce se doreste a fi montat.


    E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142
    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]

  2. #2
    Junior Member konyalı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Feb 2009
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    Standart Cevap: E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142

    arkadaşlar imajların kullanım resimlerinide koysanız nasıl oldugunu görür yükleriz saygılar

  3. #3
    Administrator d-king - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    May 2007
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    Standart Cevap: E2 RSP 3.17b TDT 1142

    Konyali Usta malesef Kathrein Receiverim yok. Receiveri olan varsa OSD Shot cekip koyarsa bizde memnun oluruz.



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