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    Senior Member barbaros - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart RSP e2 Sfinx Edition

    RSP e2 Sfinx Edition


    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]

    UFS910 e2 stick image, all latest RSP updates included, based on TDT rev.1749
    AC3 DownMIX is NO longer mandatory.
    The most important thing that we want emphasize, regarding this new release, is that receiver is more stable now.

    In order to avoid annoying situations when receiver stop responding, you will find a new feature, EMUwatch, that can be enabled/disabled from the RSP panel, the Start/Stop EMU menu option and the main goal is to act like a watch-dog for your active EMU

    Many thanks to Team Ducktales for their Work!

    Team Ducktales:

    Twisted + 8.2
    + Various fixed volume
    + Tuner Driver advanced
    + To busybox stty, traceroute, netstat, and expanded
    + Fixed XML
    + Time synchronization with transponders will be forced
    + Tuner and CI separate kernel modules
    + Libeplayer2 http streaming mp4
    +Pace & implement a function for the SWTS-based playback
    + Add missing proc file
    + Set as default evremote2
    + Tuner2 cam and handling (trial version)
    + Separating individual driver code into the kernel modules
    + Splitted all the tuner and your controller
    + Libeplayer2 http streaming MP4
    + Player131 hopefully fix the problem of sound
    + Added runtime detection mp4
    + Vob/m2ts only sending pts on ***frames, this might lead to mutch smoother playback
    + Added the m2ts extension plugin mediaplayer
    + Default player switch 76 -> 131
    + Fixed mute on channel change
    + Fix error yellow button menu
    + Tuxtxt enable exiting
    + Reaenable page up and down ***s, also enable the menu ***s
    + Set Downmix on / off on the fly
    + Enhanced tuxtxt config
    + Video + some fixes
    + Updated patch network nits, this MIGHT have better nfs performance.

    RSP Update from last public image:

    -s-a introdus instalarea e2 direct din Panel
    -adaugat EmuWatch (auto-restart pentru IncubusCamd si Mbox)
    -procedura noua de despachetare a modulelor
    -adaugat in meniul de configurare A/V controale manuale pentru TINT, Contrast, Luminozitate (Brightness) si Culoare (Colour)
    -interfata web rsp-webif a fost temporar inlocuita cu cea preluata din imaginea Enigma2 Dreambox
    -reafisarea pe ecranul VFD a numelui canalului dupa ce a fost afisat mesajul de pornire emu
    -adaugata capabilitatea de montare a tuturor formatelor valide ale partitiilor Linux si Windows
    -mici modificari aduse in cwscript_e2.sh
    -introdus ShareInfo 2.21, descarcarea adresei de *** de pe serverul RSP
    -s-a introdus scriptul cwscript_e2.sh de actualizare SoftCam.*** (autor: stinkefisch)
    -au fost adaugate noi module plugin, cum sunt afisarea permanenta a ceasului pe ecran (Permanent Clock), editarea listei de steliti, si multe altele
    -configurarea implicita a CrossEPG a fost schimbata pe valoarea “small”
    - linia de program epg din fisierul /etc/init.d/rcS a fost eliminate
    pachetul de programme CrossEPG a fost actualizat, s-a adaugat si configurarea implicita a cestuia
    -s-a adaugat in nucleul imaginii comanda “ipkg”
    -au fost adaugate in imagine Restart_GUI si skin-ul BrushedAlu-HD
    -a fost actualizata lista de canale (Settings) de pe server, s-au operat mici modificari in partea de cod
    -reparat bug-ul cu subtitrarea si teletextul
    -s-a adaugat montarea manuala pentru /hdd/movie
    -s-a schimbat formatul listei de canale EnF, se descarca o zrhiva format zip
    -reparat bug-ul din meniul de configurare a pozitioner-ului, nu mai apar ecrane verzi la comandarea motorului
    -a fost inlocuit MyEPG cu CrossEPG
    -s-a introdus config.usage.on_long_powerpress=standby
    -a fost adaugata auto-testarea starii EMU dupa revenirea din starea de stand-by, se lanseaza auto-restart in cazul in care EMU e oprit (s-a adaugat emucheck.sh)
    -a fost adaugat config.usage.multibouquet=true
    in cazul in care se depisteaza absenta /hdd/movie se creaza in mod automat
    -a fost actualizat standby.diff
    -corectii asupra mesajelor afisate pe ecran
    -reparata resetarea camd3 emu dupa actualizarea de chei camd3 atunci cind camd3 nu este de fapt pornit

    -Added E2 Install from RSP Panel
    -Added EmuWatch (for auto-control of IncubusCamd and Mbox)
    -New modules unpacking procedure
    -added TINT, Contrast, Brightness, Colour in A/V settings menu
    -rsp-webif is temporary removed, classic web-if included in image
    -VFD restoring after emu start messages, former channel name back on VFD
    -mount all valid partitions, Linux and Windows
    -cwscript_e2.sh small changes
    -New ShareInfo 2.21
    -Update SoftCam.*** with cwscript_e2.sh by stinkefisch
    -More plugins added, such as Permanent Clock, Sat List Editor, etc.
    -Changed CrossEPG config default to small, removed epg line from /etc/init.d/rcS
    -Updated CrossEPG package, added default configuration
    -Ipkg added
    -added Restart_GUI and BrushedAlu-HD skin
    -Settings update from server, small changes on code
    -Subtitle & teletext bug solved
    -added manual mount for /hdd/movie
    -changed Enf list download to zip format
    -fixed “Positioner setup”, no more crashes on motor control
    -replaced MyEPG with CrossEPG
    -added emu off state check and auto-restart emu on comeback from -stand-by (emucheck.sh added)
    -add /hdd/movie if not exists
    -updated standby.diff
    -on screen display message corrected
    -fixed camd emu reset after camd3 *** update if camd3 emu is not started

    RSP Share Info for Incubus, Mbox, Mgcamd:

    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız] [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]

    TINT, Contrast, Brightness, Colour in A/V settings menu

    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız] [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]

    TDT lucreaza si speram ca intre Craciun si Anul Nou sa avem imagini noi.

    Zildan & E2 RSP Team
    UFS 910 si altele

    [Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]
    Konu barbaros tarafından (18.12.2009 Saat 17:26 ) değiştirilmiştir.



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