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  1. #1
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart Satellites.XML by Reinh@rd


    ich hatte diese satellites.xml vor fast fünf Jahren erstmals erstellt - speziel für Hispasat.
    Durch doppelte PID-Vergabe auf den Hispasat Satelliten werden durch die DreamBox Providser überschrieben. Mit der Zeit ist diese xml ständig gewachsen. Sie umfaßt den Bereich: 80.0°E bis 61.0°W.
    Über 12.000 Transponder sind enthalten - und dürfte somit die umfangsreichste sein. Die Aktualisierierung erfolgte bis jetzt fast täglich.
    Heruntergeladen wurde diese unzählige Male von verschiedenen Boards aus.. Reklamationen wurden kaum gepostet - ebensowenig Verbesserungsvorschläge.

    In der Satellites_xml ist ein readme in deutscher und englischer Sprache enthalen mit weiteren Informationen.
    Die Change_log.xls enthält die Daten der Ergänzungen bzw. Änderungen. Somit auch geeignet zum Updaten anderer Receiver.



    Diese satellites xml könnte für einige Flash-Images zu groß sein. Besonders wenn dort weitere Addons und Plugins enthalten sind, könnte der interne Speicher zu stark belastet werden.

    Eine spezielle xml für Flash-Images ist die SES-XML (Simple Europe Satellites - XML). Nur die gängigsten Feed-Transponder werden dort eingefügt. Transponder, die in West-Europa nur mit aufwendigen Empfangsanlagen (Dishes > 100 cm) erreichbar sind werden in der Regel nicht eingearbeitet.

  2. #2
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart AW: Satellites.XML by Reinh@rd


    I had provided the for the satellites.xml first time before nearly five years - speziel for Hispasat. By double PID assignment on the Hispasat satellites are overwritten by other Provider. With the time this constantly grew xml.
    It covers the range: 80.0°E to 61.0°W. over 12.000 transponders are contained - and might be thus the extent-richest. The Aktualisierierung took place up to now nearly daily.
    Downloaded innumerable times from different boards. Complaints were hardly posted - just as little improvement suggestions. In the Satellites_xml is a readme in German and English language with further information. The Change_log.xls contains the data of the additions and/or changes. Thus also suitably to updating other receiver.




    This satellites xml could be to large for some Flash images. Particularly if there further Addons and Plugins are contained, the internal memory could be too strongly loaded.

    A special xml for Flash images is the SES XML (Simple Europe Satellites - XML). Only the most usual feed transponders are inserted there. Transponders, those in Western Europe only with complex receivings (Dishes > 100 cm) are attainable usually are not trained.

  3. #3
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart AW: Satellites.XML by Reinh@rd

    Ben bundan nerdeyise 5 Sene önce bu satellites.xml editleme isine baslamisdim, özellikle Hispasat icin.
    Hispasat Satellitinde cift pid yayin özelligi oldugundan dolayi, dreambox providerlerinin üstüne yaziliyor. Zaman, zaman bu satellites.xml büyüdü. simdi 80.0°E dan 61.0°W kadar hepsi mevcutdur.
    12.000 Transporderden fazla icinde dahildir. Sanyiorum bundan detaillisi yoktur.
    Aktuellsdirmesi güncel yapiliyor.
    Simdiye kadar sayisi bellisiz sekilde degisik Forumlarda indirilmisdir. Itiraz nadir olmusdur- ayni sekilde gelsitirme tavsiyesi.

    satellites_xml dosyasinin icinde birde readme dosyasi var. Dosya hakkinda Infolar Almanca ve Ingilizce lisanla yazilmisdir.
    change_log.xls icinde degisiklikler, yenilikler ve eklentiler yazli. busekil update degisik receiverler icinde elversili ve olanakli.



  4. #4
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Arrow AW: Satellites.XML by Reinh@rd


    Update: 29.08.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    ABS 1 75.0°E 12514 H 2700 3/4 Tamadon TV new 29.08.2007 South
    Amos 4.0°W 10759 H 30000 3/4 Spacecom update Freq 29.08.2007 Europe Spacecom
    Amos 4.0°W 10806 H 27500 3/4 HBO Central Europe update Freq 29.08.2007 Europe HBO Central Europe
    Amos 4.0°W 10980 H 2970 3/4 Vin TV new 29.08.2007 Middle East
    Amos 4.0°W 11000 H 2150 3/4 Duhok TV promo new 29.08.2007 Middle East
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 11046 H 3300 auto feeds new 29.08.2007 Europe
    Badr 26.0°E 12532 V 5000 3/4 Jordan TV feeds new 29.08.2007 FSS
    Badr 26.0°E 12587 H 2950 3/4 Ramattan feeds new 29.08.2007 FSS
    Badr 26.0°E 12660 H 3000 3/4 Ramattan new 29.08.2007 FSS Ramattan
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12651 V 3255 auto feeds new 29.08.2007 Europe
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 12724 H 3300 3/4 feeds new 29.08.2007 F1
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 12728 H 3056 3/4 feeds new 29.08.2007 F1
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 12746 H 3300 3/4 feeds update FEC 29.08.2007 F1
    NSS 7 21.5°W 11148 H 6666 7/8 feeds new 29.08.2007 Europe & Middle East

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  5. #5
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Arrow updated


    Update: 30.08.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Atlantic Bird 3 5.0°W 10956 V 3214 auto feeds new 30.08.2007 super
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 11149 H 6111 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12542 H 11264 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12678 V 5632 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12687 V 5632 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 Europe
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 11018 V 3100 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 F2
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 11023 V 3100 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 F2
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 11123 V 3000 5/6 feeds update FEC 30.08.2007 F2
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 12723 H 3055 3/4 feeds update Freq 30.08.2007 F1
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 12728 H 3055 3/4 feeds update FEC 30.08.2007 F1
    Intelsat 10-02/Thor 1.0°W 11529 V 3255 auto feeds new 30.08.2007 Spot 1
    Intelsat 902 62.0°E 11555 V 27500 3/4 IRIB new 30.08.2007 Spot 1 IRIB
    Sirius 5.0°E 12605 V 13331 3/4 feeds new 30.08.2007 Europe FSS

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  6. #6
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Arrow updated


    Update: 31.08.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Amos 4.0°W 11576 H 3500 3/4 feeds new 31.08.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 11509 H 13333 7/8 feeds new 31.08.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 2 8.0°W 11612 V 3100 7/8 feeds update Freq 31.08.2007 France
    Atlantic Bird 2 8.0°W 11617 V 3100 7/8 feeds update Freq 31.08.2007 France
    Eurobird 4 4.0°E 11097 H 6666 7/8 feeds new 31.08.2007 beam
    Eutelsat W1 10.0°E 10988 V 3255 3/4 feeds new 31.08.2007 Wide
    Eutelsat W1 10.0°E 12704 H 2930 3/4 Al Sharqia update FEC 31.08.2007 Wide
    Hispasat 30.0°W 12582 H 13600 auto Antena 3 feeds new 31.08.2007 Europe
    Hispasat 30.0°W 12596 H 6750 3/4 Antena 3 feeds new 31.08.2007 Europe
    Intelsat 801 31.5°W 11493 V 6667 3/4 Focus Media update SR 31.08.2007 Spot 2 Focus Media

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    Download:[Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]

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  7. #7
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Arrow updated


    Update: 01.09.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 12715 V 2222 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 12738 V 2863 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 2 8.0°W 11567 V 3750 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 France
    Eurobird 4 4.0°E 11005 H 6666 7/8 feeds new 01.09.2007 beam
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12682 V 3333 3/4 feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12686 V 3333 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W3A 7.0°E 10962 H 6671 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe A
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 11512 H 30000 7/8 Ukrkosmos update 01.09.2007 S2 Ukrkosmos
    Hispasat 30.0°W 12139 V 3200 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 America
    Hispasat 30.0°W 12672 V 6750 3/4 feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe
    Intelsat 901 18.0°W 11097 H 2985 7/8 feeds update FEC 01.09.2007 Spot 1
    Intelsat 901 18.0°W 11099 H 2985 7/8 feeds update FEC 01.09.2007 Spot 1
    Intelsat 905 24.5°W 11479 V 3200 auto feeds new 01.09.2007 Spot 1
    Telstar 12 15.0°W 11662 V 5632 3/4 feeds new 01.09.2007 Europe

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  8. #8
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Standart updated


    Update: 02.09.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Amos 4.0°W 11577 H 3500 auto feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 10960 H 6500 auto feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 10983 H 12800 auto feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 11086 H 3333 auto feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat Sesat/W4 36.0°E 11041 H 3333 3/4 feeds new 02.09.2007 Fixed
    Eutelsat W1 10.0°E 12699 V 6666 7/8 feeds new 02.09.2007 Wide
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 11185 H 6600 auto feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W6 21.6°E 12637 V 2532 3/4 Al Ahd Satellite Channel update Freq 02.09.2007 Wide
    Express 3A 11.0°W 11163 V 6666 7/8 feeds new 02.09.2007 A9
    Hellas Sat 2 39.0°E 12726 H 3300 3/4 feeds new 02.09.2007 F1
    Hispasat 30.0°W 12725 V 3400 auto feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Intelsat 10-02/Thor 1.0°W 11522 V 28500 auto HD feeds new 02.09.2007 Spot 1
    Telstar 12 15.0°W 11505 H 3254 5/6 feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe
    Telstar 12 15.0°W 12540 H 4284 3/4 Globecast feeds new 02.09.2007 Europe

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  9. #9
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Arrow updated


    Update: 03.09.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Arabsat 2B 30.5°E 12732 H 2900 5/6 Future TV feeds new 03.09.2007 Ku
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 12741 H 6666 3/4 feeds new 03.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W1 10.0°E 11139 H 2100 auto feeds new 03.09.2007 Wide
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12549 H 5632 3/4 feeds new 03.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W2 16.0°E 12675 V 3333 auto feeds new 03.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat W6 21.6°E 12539 V 4300 3/4 feeds new 03.09.2007 Wide
    Intelsat 10-02/Thor 1.0°W 11341 V 25000 2/3 Canal Digital new 03.09.2007 Nordic Canal Digital
    Türksat 1C/2A 42.0°E 11669 V 3500 5/6 TRT feeds update FEC 03.09.2007 West
    Türksat 1C/2A 42.0°E 11692 V 4500 3/4 feeds new 03.09.2007 West

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    Viele Feeds / Many feeds


  10. #10
    Vip Member Reinh@rd - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Arrow updated


    Update: 04.09.2007

    Satellite Pos. Freq. Pol. SR FEC Name Status Date BEAM Provider
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 11644 V 4280 auto feeds new 04.09.2007 Europe
    Atlantic Bird 1 12.5°W 12714 H 6400 3/4 Videopiú feeds new 04.09.2007 Europe
    Eutelsat Sesat/W4 36.0°E 12518 V 8333 2/3 data service new 04.09.2007 Fixed SpaceGate
    Eutelsat W1 10.0°E 12591 V 4100 auto feeds new 04.09.2007 Wide
    Eutelsat W3A 7.0°E 11133 V 5632 auto feeds new 04.09.2007 Europe A
    Sirius 5.0°E 12641 V 5340 3/4 feeds new 04.09.2007 Europe FSS
    Sirius 5.0°E 12650 V 5340 3/4 feeds new 04.09.2007 Europe FSS
    Telstar 12 15.0°W 11660 V 13333 7/8 feeds new 04.09.2007 Europe

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