
-- Version: A --
- IRD2 PMKs now included in key.bin

FreeX IRD ProvID No 4 (IRD2 down!)
SexView IRD ProvID No 5
LA7 IRD ProvID No 6

for AU you need:

Plain Mode:
PMK0 stored in Key 0C/0D
PMK1 stored in Key 0E/0F

crypted Mode:
ProvId must be 000000
crypted ProvID is stored in Key 0A
crypted PMK0 is stored in Key 0C/0D
crypted PMK1 is stored in Key 0E/0F

for SexView include the following keys on IRD ProvID No 5
ProvId must be 000000
0A: 9A9710B669C68128
0C: DFE674F4867E83A1
0D: A30C02595880CCB3
0E: 4973A94D01179DB0
0F: 71F3D8943CA5757B
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[Değerli Ziyaretci, linki görmeniz icin bu mesaja cevap yazmanız gerekiyorÜye olmak icin burayı tıklayınız]